The Game Plan
Now that Caeira is out, I can finally play Thanos in a list that wants to keep the infinity stones! With that in mind, this list is based on big board buffs like Blue Marvel and Caeira with cards that benefit from full locations like Dazzler, Mojo, and Ant-Man.
There are a lot of tricks to learn with a deck like this, but ultimately the goal is to draw your stones and fill the locations.
The Decklist
- Ant-Man is a little powerhouse for a deck like this, and easily reaches 4 power without much effort.
- Mojo is a bit of a niche pick here but I feel he can absolutely steal games with the amount of power he puts on the board. He works better the later you play him, so often times I wait until turn 5 or 6 to score an easy 8 power while I support another lane with Iron Lad or something.
- Armor is not only a backup for Caiera, but also a way to stop destroy decks throughout the ladder. Extremely useful and an easy slot-in for this list.
- Jeff is an amazing all-purpose card, but offers a lot of flexibility when it comes to where we need to play our cards. If we need to move him out, he can be replaced by a clutch Dazzler or Mojo, or even Thanos himself when we play the rest of our infinity stones.
- Dazzler is an incredible card in this deck that is rarely ever below 3/6, and very often is a 3/8. Where you put Dazzler matters more than a lot of the other cards in this deck, so choosing which lane she goes into is dependent on whether you want to shore up a lane that's contested or use her as a way to boost a lane you're losing.
- Mobius M. Mobius is an amazing tech card and one that can fit into a list like this pretty easily. He shuts down a ton of matchups like High Evolutionary decks and gives us a pretty big advantage on certain locations like Elysium.
- Caiera is amazing for protecting our stones with a respectable body of her own. Since Killmonger is a huge threat to this deck, she'll be useful against destroy decks until the end of time.
- Shang-Chi is another awesome tech card for this deck and can steal a lot of games. It also gives us a good matchup into Thanos Blob decks, giving us an edge in mirrors.
- Iron Lad is a really great all-purpose card but works incredibly in this list since there are fewer bad targets to hit than in a typical deck. Including the stones, Iron lad is useful 16 out of 18 times in most games, which is just criminally good.
- Blue Marvel is easily a 5/15 in this deck and adds a ton of power to our lanes. What more can you want?
- Klaw is a sneaky pick in this deck and allows us to add more power to a lane if we've already filled it up. He's also useful for closed-off locations and gives us a lot of snap conditions on that alone.
- Thanos actually reaches 20 power pretty often in this list, but not always, and not always when you want him to. That being said, the most important infinity stones in this list are Space Stone and Reality Stone. Space Stone can allow us to move things in an out of lanes when we want to redistribute our power while Reality Stone allows us to shut down Limbo, Space Throne, Negative Zone, and etc. to swing the dynamic of a game near instantly.
The Wrap-Up
Really love this list and I'm excited to playtest it some more. Enjoy your big Dazzlers, everyone!
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