This deck is built around Kingpin after his leaked rework in the next patch. In his rework he's a 2 cost card and his ability now afflicts -2 power to any card that is moved to his location. So the idea of this deck is to move cards to KP's location thus making it very hard for out opponent to have any power to contest us.
There are several core cards of this deck we'll go over:
Kingpin- the main card of this deck. KP is important to keep your opponent's cards at low power, he also forces your opponent to play cards into his location in order to counter him. So he's a big threat your opponent has to address. And with his main counter (Luke Cage) being so weak right now he's pretty much free to do whatever he wants so this deck is really about controlling the space of where your oppoents wants to play their cards.
Kraven- since our deck is built around moving our cards and our opponent's cards Kraven is a natural fit for this deck.
Nebula- a really great 1 drop for KP since your opponent will be forced to play into her location in order to counter her so you're free to play KP in a different location and not only have your opponent having to choose which card he wants to counter. Another thing to note is that you can simply move the cards from Nebula's location back to KP's location thus punishing your opponent for playing into her location, and vice versa, you can move out cards from KP's location to Nebula's location thus filling it up so you opponent can't build more power.
Jean Grey- an amazing card for this deck. Her ability forces your oppoent to always play into her location so if you have Kingpin or Nebula in a different location JG can make sure your opponent won't be able to develop that much into their locations. You can also use other movement cards such as Spiderman, Stegron and Juggernaut to move out cards from JG's location and if you do fill up JG's location your opponent is forced to play there while you can play your other cards freely in a different location.
I did include other options such as Gamora (since your opponent is already forced to play into Nebula/Jean Grey/Kingpin locations so you don't have to predict that much) and Magneto, but feel free to change up the other cards if you feel the need to. This list is very dope and I can't wait to try it onto the ladder.