A new way to play an High Evo deck.
Caiera is the best way to counter Shang-Chi and Killmonger that could destroy your setted engine cards like Sunspost, Hulk, She hulk or Infinaut.
One of the best move of this deck (must have The infinaut (or Hulk) and She Hulk in the hand) is to play Psylocke in turn 4 ,so just skip turn 5 and in turn 6 play Infinaut[\Hulk] and She-Hulk(cost 0!!!) so as to put a total of 30 [Hulk 22/24/26/28/30) points on 2 fields (36 in 2 turns if you have a Sunspost setted).
The Leech is a good way to counter Destroy, Control, ZabuDarkhawk and other Decks (or simply cards like Blob Taskmaster, ecc..) but is useless against HighEvo Decks, so in this case just don't play it. [I recommend playing it only when you have played Magik].
Have fun.