Wasp is in this deck only for Use with Valky or some sacrifice
T1: Antman or Ghost
T2: Zabu or Cage, wait to play Cage on same lane that OP Evo-Cyclops
T3: Magik or Capt America, Don't use Cap on same lane of Antman, both are there to get extra points
when using Valky
T4: Don't use ShangChi Here, use them at final turn
T5 or T6: Sera
T6 or T7: ShangCHi+Rogue or Wasp/Valky (on Antman/CapAmercia lanes for extra points) + ShadowKing.
Shadow King try to not hit LukeCage, Ovbiously. Don't care for Zabu or Ghost at the end.
You can use OP Goblins in your side with Valky
This Deck is BAD against Leech
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