This deck is revolved around having priority. The idea here is that we make the most use out of our priority then shutting down out opponent.
Let's go over some of the key cards:
1) Daredevil- obviously one of our core pieces and we want to make sure to play him as early as possible so we force the turn 5 out of our opponent.
2) Jeff- in combination with the likes of Prof X, Sandman and Ms Marvel, Jeff is a very powerful and flexible card that can very easily enable us to contest a couple of locations. Not to mention that his interaction with Sandman makes it so you're able to play 2 cards on turn 6 while your opponent is restriced to only 1.
3) Red Guardian- I believe RG will function the best in lists aiming towards priority. Just as an example with priority RG can easily snipe cards such as Angela and Bishop who tend to scale very high so RG wouldn't be able to hit them. Same goes against cards such as Deadpool and X-23 that you want to shut down as early as possible so you'd prevent them from scaling before the opponent destroys them.
4) Ms Marvel- Ms Marvel's ability lets us very easily gain priority by fulfilling her requirement and with a turn 5 Sandman this makes it very hard for the opponent to shut her down. She can also really help empower our Prof X lane, especially when we also have Jeff to help add additional power.
5) Sandman- Sandman's 7 power really helps us restricting our opponent's turn 6 and can really help us preserve the priority. As mentioned earlier we also run Jeff who "breaks" Sandman's rule so we can play Jeff into other cards we have while the opponent is restricted to playing Jeff themselves.
You can replace the other cards (especially the 6 drops) but I do think it's worth mentioning that Lizard is really effective at giving you priority and also forcing the opponent to play into his lane thus forcing the opponent to contest it which makes our other tech cards even more easy to land. Teenage Warhead acts as a psuedo Shang Chi and kinda similar to old Alioth, we can save her until turn 5 so we can really shut down big plays our opponent wants to do. Echo is also great as a turn 5 play or you can use her to force your opponent to play their ongoing cards elsewhere so RG can snipe them more easily.
Overall, while playing this list you ALWAYS need to aim to gain priority since that when this list shines the most. I also thank MegaMogwai for giving me the idea towards making this deck.