This deck is matched badly against most of what I encountered on the ladder. Hela and Ramp in particular are difficult to deal with if you miss your draws. Your best bet is to utilize Cosmo, Professor X, and Mystique to potentially lock down a lane and prevent your opponent from playing.
Sunspot is punished heavily by Red-Hulk, so be judicious about when you float your energy. If you can lock a lane down with a discounted Professor X, a large Red-Hulk might not matter.
Morph is a powerful tool to maintain tempo with your opponent’s output as long as you can predict what your opponent’s game plan is and what your opponent wants to play on any given turn. For instance, against Destroy, a Morph played on turn 4 or 5 will often pull Death and Knull, but almost certainly never on turn 6.
Havok should almost never be played before turn 5. There are a few niche situations in which you can win a game with Havok played beforehand, but it is a humongous risk if you haven’t played Mr. Negative.
Loki is a mulligan in this deck. If you draw badly, then pull the Loki lever and try again. Be careful about which matchups you utilize this tool against, however. A ramp deck will lock you down with Sandman, preventing any combos at the end of the game.