Arishem Stats.
In the average game of Arishem, you’ll see 4 of your 11 selected cards.
As the Arishem player, you see 37.5% of your deck.
Over the course of a game, the Arishem player has 28%> Energy than opponent.
- 100% > Opponent
- 50% > Opponent
- 33% > Opponent
- 25% > Opponent
- 20% > Opponent
- 16% > Opponent
The average stats of a MARVEL SNAP card are; Cost - 3.229390681 / Power - 4.017921147
- 0 = 1.5
- 1 = 1.860465116
- 2 = 2.464285714
- 3 = 3.076923077 / 3.171875 (3.0 is including Green Goblin, 3.1 is not.)
- 4 = 5.181818182
- 5 = 5.5 / 5.846153846 (5.5 is including Hobgoblin, 5.8 is not.)
- 6+ = 8.689655172
Its important that your arishem deck doesn't contain many if ANY "timing matters" cards. An example of a timing matters card would be Phastos. Phastos is obviously much better the earlier you play him so our MAX Energy advantage makes him appealing, but because his "timing" matters he is worse than you might guess in an Arishem deck.
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