This version of the Surfer archetype relies two things: tons of buffs and restriction of the opponent’s play. Together, this deck can put out loads of power without being countered or outpaced by the opponent.
The targets for Power output are Sebastian Shaw and Brood- who (respectively) add or multiply any buffs they receive. America Chavez, Forge, Okoye, Nakia, Phastos, and Absorbing Man all apply these buffs. Phastos and Absorbing Man specifically become important, as the cost reductions they supply replace the otherwise underwhelming Sera.
Not to be understated, Goose and Jean Grey are vital to disrupt the opponent without disturbing your own growth. Use Goose to prevent the opponent from playing their high-cost cards in as many places as possible (this includes Shang-Chi, who can shut down your high Power cards). Jean Grey as well can be used to kill your opponent’s plays- either forcing them to play into a location they will lose or keeping them from playing into locations you plan to win.
Gladiator is here because of his high base Power, which can be very valuable when early game Power is needed.
Other cards that may work here are Nova/Killmonger/Daken, Hope Summers, Makkari, and Gwenpool. However, I have not tried these yet.