Amp the discards up to the max and overpower your opponent! Take advantage of morbius' massive scaling potential to get him to massive heights! Use mystique with Morbius to spread that power out, or with Wong to double down! M.o.d.o.k-Wong with Helicarrier in hand is this deck's centerpiece, massively increasing your Morbious' power! And, by using plenty of cards that benefit from being Discarded, this deck can overwhelm the opponent with sheer, indiscriminate discards, and get helpful bonuses from it! With Miek, Scorn, Morbious and Apocolypse all scaling to incredible heights, and gambit being able to wipe the opponent's board, this deck has everything you need for a decicive win once it gets going.
Note: As long as you have all the essential cards, this is a very customizable deck! You can use basically any discard cards you want in place of cards you don't like or have, but I would shy away from options like Sif, Dracula, Hela, etc. as this deck takes a very quantity-over quality approach to discards, especially in the later turns.