I run the deck with Polaris (EDIT: I've since replaced her with Rogue as a meta tech) instead of Makkari but I can already tell Makkari would be a better fit. With only 11 cards to draw thanks to Agatha, you would have a big hand but not enough energy to to play everything in your hand. Makkari is a free 4 power. That's also why Domino could be considered, as you generally float 2 energy on turn 2. If you do, just be aware that Domino makes your 3-Cost essentials (MK, Sif, Wave) less likelier to draw.
Without Domino, chance of drawing any of the three by Turn 3 is 93.94%. With Domino, it is 91.67%. Is the 2.27% worth it for a 3 power? I'll let you be the judge of that.
Kingpin can be dropped (EDIT: and I dropped him for Nebula). He doesn't do enough as an anti-move tech but he synergizes with Cannonball, Aero and Polaris. Aero is pretty underrated. Consider Rogue as a tech against Madame Web and War Machine if those turn out to be a problem.
If you keep whiffing with Moon Knight, drop Ghost Rider. If you're ballsy, add Hela and Corvius Glaive. Either way, I would say Black Knight is pretty essential even though you can certainly play the deck without him.
Also I developed a newfound hatred for the location Titan (makes 6-Costs cost 5).