The Game Plan
Good Cards decks are one of my favorite archetypes in the game, and with Scarlet Spider joining the fray, I wanted to take advantage of his ability to spread his power like a mini Doctor Doom. Gaining priority is pretty easy with this list, and we take advantage of that here in full force.
We have powerful tools like Red Guardian and Alioth to take care of our opponent's important cards, big power from Cross Bones and Red Hulk, and flexibility with Vision and Jeff the Baby Land Shark. We even have surprises like Copy Cat and Klaw to keep our opponents guessing, and big one-drops to help with our gameplan later on thanks to Hawkeye Kate Bishop, Hydra Bob, and Nebula.
Set 'em up and knock 'em down!
The Decklist
- Nebula is a really great value card and can also make it easier to know which location to put a card like Alioth later on, since some people like to fill the Nebula lane early.
- Hydra Bob is a big 1/5 with the ability to flex in and out of locations as necessary.
- Hawkeye Kate Bishop is a flexible curve-filler that can provide a ton of versatility,
- Jeff the Baby Land Shark is the ultimate 2 drop, allowing us to fight in inaccessible locations and protect ourselves from clog decks.
- Red Guardian is a really solid tech card that can shut down powerful cards like Ironman and Dracula while still being 5 power after he hits a target.
- Copycat is a really great value at 3/5 and provides a lot of ways for us to snap if we get lucky. We got their Hela? Snap. She stole Cassandra Nova's text? Snap. Lots and lots of ways for us to get cubes with very little downside.
- Scarlet Spider is an amazing way to gain priority going into turn 6, since we can activate him on turn 5. This allows us to snipe with Alioth or Red Guardian, and play our Crossbones if we need the power. Mini Doom for the win!
- Crossbones is an easy 4/10 in this list thanks to our big tempo plays early on, and can really help to contest a lane. I also sometimes like throwing him on the Vision lane on turn 6, while moving Vision to swing another lane.
- Klaw is a sneaky pick in this deck and allows us to add more power to a lane if we've already filled it up. He's also useful for closed-off locations and gives us a lot of snap conditions on his own.
- Vision is a flexible card that can make our opponent misplay on turn 6. Having the advantage of knowing where Vision goes is very powerful, and at 8 power he's a threat to any lane.
- Alioth is a powerful last turn finisher that can steal games from a lot of decks, especially combo decks on turn 6. All of this depends on having priority, which thanks to cards like Scarlet Spider and Hydra Bob is relatively easy.
- Red Hulk is just a big guy, pure and simple. We can also play mindgames with our opponent if needed, and contest something like a Space Throne pretty easily.
The Wrap-Up
Big numbers with really easy gameplans, I love this deck. It's surprisingly effective against decks like Hela and Arishem in the meta right now thanks to cards like Copy Cat and Alioth, and really solid on its own.