This is an evolution of an old favorite, capitalizing on the recent Aero, Negasonic and SSM buffs. It plays like a normal Silky Smoove deck, building power through scaling and gaining early prio, but differs due to the usage of Negasonic, Aero, and Alioth to deny the opponent locations while allotting your own power where needed, adding a control twist.
Symbiote Spider-Man:
SSM might seem out of place, but he does a lot for the deck, primarily allowing you to keep locations locked out by recycling Nega and Aero; and secondarily by manipulating board space by temporarily closing locations to send Silk or Bob where they're needed. He can also take Elsa buffs and then merge to keep the space open for more buffs; or he can just become a big Jeff.
The main things to know when piloting this is to place NTW alone in a lane you want to lock out, then playing SSM on her to recycle her and keep the lane mostly locked out. You can also do this in the opposite order, playing SSM on a solo lane first, then playing Nega to snipe something, and activating SSM to deny the opponent their T6 play or force them to over-invest, which they will generally have to after losing their earlier play to a Negasonic snipe. Since you will generally be ahead in at least one other lane, this makes Alioth really easy to use to close out the game.
Aero is an underrated card in general, allowing you to pull specific cards to locations where you're winning, usually Kraven locations during good Silk games, or Angela Thena lanes where you've built some good power. Alternatively, you can also pull high power cards away from those locations so that you keep your lead. This enables the aforementioned control strategies with Negasonic, and Alioth. Much like recycling Negasonic, you can also recycle Aero's effect to pull big cards that the opponent expects to make a high impact elsewhere to her lane, ensuring you win the others. While this isn't as common, and does rely on some prio manipulation, it is definitely something to keep in mind as an option, especially against decks that you can't get prio against, as they will often play large cards that you can then disrupt. In general she is just a great card for this deck, disrupting combo decks that can go over you in points, or point slam decks that rely on big cards. This is a large part of why Aero and Nega feel so good in this deck.
While this deck can struggle against clog, you do have some couterplay in Jeff, Bob, and even Symbiote SM for denying their clogs and free us space later. Since it runs Elsa, you can sometimes even use their clog agaisnt them, or use it to manipulate Silk to go where she needs to. It can be a hard matchup, but I often find it winnable, and very interesting to navigate. There are also a lot of Galactus decks currently, which I don't expect to last, but this does deny them the Galactus lane easily with Aero and Negasonic. Easy matchup. Hela is one I haven't ran into much (I guess the nerf worked?), but I suspect it's a rough one unless you snipe Luke with Nega or manage to scale really high. Move is a tough matchup sometimes since they can out-scale your points, but you can contend with them with your disruption tools fairly competently depending on draws.
I used to use Nightcrawler over Bob, but swapped to Bob to gain prio early for Negasonic if needed. He's a skill-testing card that I've found very satisfying to use, but is definitely harder to use since he relies on snapping. Juggernaut is something else you could consider - it could even be an improvement to the deck. You could use it in conjunction with SSM similarly to how Nega and Aero is used, could even send things over to Nega to get destroyed sometimes. Nocturne is an option, Kitty is an option.
Feel free to play around with things and let me know what works for you! It's a hard deck to pilot but very satisfying. Let me know what you think if you try it.