These are the abilities and stats of each card for this deck when I hit Infinite (09 Oct 2024). Cards will/can change since this deck has been published.
Kitty Pride 1/1 - When this returns to your hand, +1 Power. Returns at the start of each turn.
Korg 1/2 - On Reveal: Shuffle a Rock (1/0) into your opponent's deck.
Thena 2/0 - After each turn, +3 power if you played (exactly) 2 cards.
Angela 2/3 - After you play a card here, +1 Power.
Agent Venom 2/4 - On Reveal: Set the power of all cards in your deck to 4.
Cassandra Nova 3/0 - On Reveal: Steal 1 Power from each card in your opponent's deck.
Mystique 3/0 - On Reveal: If the last card you played had an Ongoing, copy its text. (if able)
Cosmo 3/3 - Ongoing: On Reveal abilities won't happen here.
Rockslide 3/3 - On Reveal: Shuffle 2 Rocks into you opponent's deck.
Nocturne 3/4 - You can move this once. When this moves, replace its location with a random new one.
Iron Man 5/0 - Ongoing: Your total power is doubled here.
Darkhawk 5/3 - Ongoing: +2 Power for each card in your opponent's deck.