This is a deck revolved around utilizing Thanos's power alongside Surtur in order to have a deck with big numbers.
The core idea here is to spread out your power in other locations and make sure we have enough 10+ power cards to discount Skaar and buff Surtur.
Here are some of the core cards:
Thanos- Thanos's stones enable you to cycle through your deck while also helping you enable some of the 10+ power cards such as Thanos himself, Cull, Attuma, Sasquatch and Blob.
Surtur- he gets buffed by our 10+ power cards and which his cheap cost he doesn't hurt our curve.
Zabu- a very important card because he discounts all of our 4 cost cards, all of which have 10+ power.
Skaar- he gets very easily discounted by the cards in our deck and also enables Surtur.
With this deck spreading out is important since you want to enable some of our 4 cost cards while still having the flexibility on the locations themselves. Also, if you do run Sasquatch it's important to note how many cards you play per turn. For example: if you play 2 cards on turn 3 you can make Sasquatch a 4/10 with no downsides which is very important.
You also need to be conservative of when you play a card like Reality Stone since it can screw you over. Blob is very important counter for Darkhawk, a card that can very easily make use of our deck while also disruping our draws (granted we can destroy the rocks with Attuma or just use them to play Cull Obsidian on top of them) so if you do have him I highly recconmend including him.
There are also some honorable mentions that you can consider:
Luke Cage- one of the biggest counters for our deck is power reduction, so cards such as Scorpion, USAgent, Hazmat and more importantly Cassandra Nova can really screw us over since it denies Surtur from racking up power and prevents Skaar from being discounted. Luke Cage helps protecting you from such scenarios and he also enables another card with 10+ power which is Thyploid Mary. It is important to note that he does not counter Shadow King anymore so you do need to be wary of that in regards to both Surtur and Blob.
Caiera- Caiera is a pretty niche tech card but she can protect your stones from the likes of Killmonger and also protect Thanos alognside our 6 drops. The issue with her in comparison to armor is that Armor can also protect Surtur and our other 4 drops while also disrupting decks such as destroy.
Alioth- Alioth can essentialy seal the deal for turn 6 by making sure your opponent has no counter play and because of our high powered cards you can very easily have priority while also empowering Surtur.
So overall you can be very flexible with the cards you choose to add to the deck. Just make sure they don't disrupt the core gameplan while also letting you add the power that you need to enable your core cards.