These are the abilities and stats of each card for this deck when I hit Infinite (05 Dec 2024). Cards will/can change since this deck has been published.
*** The position of Rogue is a flexspot for another 3-Cost card or Gwenpool. The cards in the flexspot given my personal meta were: Rogue (Ongoing decks like Gorr Negative, Affliction i.e. USAgent, Luke Cage/Man-Thing, or Surfer Mirrors with Wong/Sera), Nocturne (locations like Altar of Death/Death's Domain or Sanctum Santorum/Crimson Cosmos), and Gwenpool. Other options I've seen played are Mobius M. Mobius, Gladiator, Juggernaut, Luna Snow, or Sage (alternatively Wolfsbane). The 3-Cost cards are obviously Plug-n-Play when it comes to a Silver Surfer deck. You could also have Sera in that spot as well. "Choose your fighter"... that's why THIS is my favorite deck to play!***
Nova 1/1 - When this is destroyed, give your cards +1 Power.
Forge 2/2 - On Reveal: Give the next card you play +2 Power.
Brood - On Reveal: Add 2 Broodlings here with the same Power.
Rogue 3/2 - On Reveal: Steal the text from an enemy Ongoing card here.
Silver Surfer 3/2- On Reveal: Give your other 3-Cost cards +2 Power.
Killmonger 3/5 - On Reveal: Destroy ALL 1-Cost cards.
Red Guardian 3/3 - On Reveal: Afflict the lowest Power enemy card here with -2 Power and remove its text.
Hope Summers 3/4 - After you play a card here, you get +1 Energy next turn.
Sebastian Shaw 3/4 - When this card permanently gains Power, gain +2 more Power. (wherever this is)
Copycat 3/5 - When you draw this, copy the text from the bottom card of your opponent's deck.
Absorbing Man 4/4 - On Reveal: If the last card you played has an On Reveal ability, copy it's text. (if able)
Galacta 4/6/ - Each turn, the first card you play at another location reveals with +3 Power.