UPDATE: Jane Foster has been CHANGED. She no longer has the effect this deck was designed around.
Jane Foster is a 5/5 who has a conditional "Ongoing" effect that doubles her power.
The condition being you must control a card with 10 Power.
How do we take advantage of that effect? Well this is what I ended up with. Our general goal is to play three key cards in specifically either the left lane, or middle lane. With a Namor setup one location to the left of those cards. Those key cards are;
Mister Fantastic, Klaw or Omega Red
Jane Foster or Dino
Onslaught or Chavez
Card explanations:
Scarlet Witch - If both middle and left lane are incompatible with our strategy, we need the ability to remove them. Quake could also fill this role & may even be better when playing a deck like this.
Okoye - Okoye buffs our America Chavez & Namor, two cards that really appreciate that buff & Jane Foster, assuming you get the effect, will receive double the buff.
Psylocke - There will be games where we want to play both Klaw and Jane or both Omega Red and Namor. Psylocke lets us do that & play on curve.
Devil Dinosaur - The deck wants to play slow-ish & we already run Onslaught. The Dino seems like a worth card slot. Also it gives us something to play when we don't hit Psylocke into a 4 drop.
Mister Fantastic - Think of him as mini-Omega Red. He's also a way to buff the other locations & play Namor on curve without having to draw Psylocke.
Cosmo - We play a lot of Ongoing effects in a single lane. Cosmo protects us like a good dogo.
Namor - Namor generates a lot of power for one card in a single location & he activates our Jane Foster condition.
Omega Red - We should in theory be able to generate enough power to go +10 in our primary location. At least more often than not, so Omega Red is worth considering. He also synergizes with out Namor strategy!
Klaw - He helps Namor! Also we already run Onslaught, so Klaw is already worth considering.
Jane Foster - Our primary build around character.
Onslaught - Doubles the Jane Foster double. If Jane Foster is meta, I'm almost certain it will be in an Onslaught list.
America Chavez - Another card that almost certainly belongs in the ideal Jane list because she is a super consistent way of generating the 10 Power condition.
Other key cards to consider; Nakia, Quake, Iron-Man