This deck utilizes the destroy mechanic to lower the cost of Death. This cost reduction works while under the effect of Wave making everything cost 4. Therefore even with 2 cards Destroyed you can Wave on T5 and Play Death + a 6 Drop commonly adding 26 power to the board.
Core of the deck is Death and Wave from here you need to have cheap 1-2 drops you want to destroy.
•Okoye buffs your deck making your deck have just a little more oomph and
•Yondu counts as destroying a card from their deck reducing Deaths energy count.
•Bucky and Carnage alone is a good package in itself.
From here I believe there to be slight user preference
•Iceman could be a good card to come down and disrupt their hand while providing fodder to Carnage.
•Elektra counts as destroy and can also kill pesky 1 drops like Sunspot
•Odin is another option that allows you to Wave on T4/T5 by retriggering Wave really disrupting the opponents turns.
•Mysterio provides token fodder for destruction as well as concealing where the real one is until after the final turn ends.
•The Hood is an excellent one drop that can be destroyed after giving you a 1 energy 6 power demon common played alongside Wave on T5 adding 9 power on the board before dropping the combo.
This will be a continuous write up as I continue to play with the deck.