This deck is built around being able to play 2 card combos after playing Wave. There are two methods of doing this;
Method #1: T5 Sera, T6 Magik+Wave, T7 2 cards.
Method #2: T3 Wave, T4 Sera, T5 Odin, T6 2 cards.
Card Explanation:
Scarlet Witch
Psylocke lets us ramp into one of our key 4 drops a turn early and more efficiently reach a couple two card combos.
We run a lot of "On Reveal" support, but not a lot of "On Reveal" specific effects outside of Thor. Medusa is a decent enough play on turn 2, additionally Wong & Odin can let her get more value in certain situations.
Wave enables the care concept of our deck. (See the concept section of this post)
Wong gives additional activations of Thor/Mjolnir, White Tiger, Medusa, Odin, & believe it or not, Wong can be surprisingly clutch with Zola.
Shang-Chi works particularly well as a card on the final turn of the game, generally this comes with the draw back of not being able to play another powerful card. But our deck is specifically built around the concept of being able to play ANY two cards on our final turn. So Shang-Chi seems like he will provide a lot of powerful turn 6s/7s.
Thor and Mjolnir should work pretty well with our On-Reveal package.
We run all the On-Reveal synergy, seems a little silly to not be running White Tiger at that point. Be careful though, don't play White Tiger on 5 if you plan to zola a specific target on 6. Plan ahead.
Magik is one of the methods of enabling a 2 card combo after Wave. (See the concept section of this post)
Sera is the major combo enabler in this deck.
Arnim Zola
Zola has the ability to either duplicate hammers, or even Thor himself. Because of this, you might want to put Thor in a location all on his own until the final turn on the game.
On Reveal VALUE