So first of all shout out to Agent Carter for the base of the deck from season 1 Atlantis beach Club.
I have used this deck the past 2 seasons to reach infinite on day 1. Its a deck that on average pushing great power on all 3 lanes but it doesn't have the high rolls of other decks but also doesn't have the low rolls.
So this deck is a version of a Sera Miracle deck where the idea is to set the board up for a turn 6 card dump with Sera on the board to activate Strong guy.
How to play the deck:
On turn 1 if you have nova I always drop him on the board.
Turn 2 if running Okoye always play her over Angela as we normally play all our cards making her effectively a 2/6 as we can still play Angela on later turns for her full power. If i have neither card in hand ill play Mysterio but only if I don't have bishop in my hand otherwise pass turn 2.
Turn 3 ideally drop bishop, if i don't have bishop it comes don't to knowing what deck the opponent is playing. By turn 3 tho you should have an idea what they are playing and whether you need to keep Killmonger in hand to wipe their board later or if its safe to play Maximus (ie opponent not playing some sort of combo deck).
Turn 4 drop strong guy only if you know by the end of the game you can play all of your cards out. Its at this point when you really need to calculate how much each card will be at the end of the game. Sometimes its better to drop Sword master over strong guy if by this point you don't have Sera in hand.
Turn 5 always drop Sera look out for Onslaughts Citadel for double the effect.
Turn 6 ideally is dropping Mysterio, Colleen wing, Sword Master and Maximus Thus playing all the cards in your hand / discarding the others activating Strong Guy pushing 28 power onto the board.
Okoye and rogue offer different tech options depending on the meta.
Some options for Okoye would be Scarlet witch, Scorpion, Cable and Star lord. I don't like Mojo as Nova and Killmonger have a lot of anti-synergy with him but could also be another option.
As for rogue you can go with other tech options like Enchantress or Shang-chi or more power with Wolfsbane, Punisher, Captain America and Mr Fantastic. I do prefer keeping that slot a 3 cost as it becomes a 2 drop with Sera and easier to play with the other cards on turn 6.