Are you the BEST Marvel Snap Tournament player?
Do you have the next META deck?
Do you want a chance at winning CASH?
Join us this Saturday for the largest monthly public Marvel Snap Tournament, the Open!
Register HERE
- After creating an account with, click Join Tournament above.
- Then Join our Discord Server. We'll be coordinating matches in the #TOURNAMENTS category of channels and assisting players. "Britt aka DefaultDan" is the main Admin to message with any questions.
- Lastly, head to your Account Settings and add your GAME NAME username in the 'Platform Links' tab. This will make it much easier to challenge your opponent the day of the tournament when we check into the Discord.
- The format is Swiss
- Rounds will be 40 minutes and time extensions are available depending on circumstances
- Five-minute grace period to find your opponent and then start the match.
- After the Swiss rounds, we will cut to best of 1 single-elimination Top 8.
- Top 8 will not be timed.
- Deck lists are Open and are required. No switching decks as the one you register with is the one you should be using. If you end up using the wrong deck it will count as a loss.
- Player Meeting Live on Twitch: June 24th at 11am EST.
- Check-in Start Time: June 24th at 11:30am EST.
- Start Time: June 24th at 12pm EST.
🏆 $600 PRIZE POOL Top 8 Payout
#1: $200 + $25 giftcard
#2: $100 + $25 giftcard
#3: $50 + $25 giftcard
#4: $50 + $25 giftcard
#5 - #8: $25