Hello and welcome back to Burning Questions. This was a busy week with a roadmap, a patch, a new game mode, High Voltage! Let's dive in!
1) Should game modes like High Voltage and Deadpool's Diner be permanent?
The ideal status for these modes is to remain temporary. I think the frivolousness of High Voltage and the grindiness of Deadpool's Diner would become more apparent if they stayed around longer. I think a lot of the players clamoring for these modes to be permanent would be surprised by how quickly these formats would wear out their welcome. Bringing them back often can build excitement and once players start to get tired of one of these modes or it starts to feel “solved” they can simply increase the time between appearances. These modes are interesting right now and we don't want them to start to feel like a chore that players work through simply to get rewards (looking at you, Conquest mode). Keeping them temporary also allows Second Dinner to always include the reward we really want from these modes, a free card, and ensures that queue times can stay manageable.
I would love for Snap to eventually develop a library of 4-6 of these limited time modes to cycle through. We already know there are mentions in the data files for things called Shuri's Lab, Bot Invasion, and Snap Packs, which could be related to a new mode as well. I think a large part of why people are asking for these to be permanent is that there is a craving for a more casual environment than ladder anxiety and Conquest sweatiness currently allow. I think Second Dinner would be really smart to always have a more casual mode like High Voltage available, but in rotation so that these more casual modes aren't able to wear thin. Speaking of Conquest, I think that mode should actually shift to limited time status as well. Eliminate the Silver level, and let it run for the last half of each season. Conquest would feel so much more hyped and dramatic this way, and the mode definitely needs freshening up and some help with queue times.
2) How would you improve the limited time game modes?
High Voltage is basically perfect as it is, I would just tweak a couple of things. The turn timer should be shortened on the first turn at least, and probably the second turn as well. In a mode that is meant to be fast and exciting, waiting for your opponent is a bore. I think the energy could also go from 2-5 to 3-5 for a little more excitement. I have seen some proposals to ban Kang from the format. Reworking him would accomplish the same task.
As far as Deadpool's Diner, I anticipate the team has changed some of the most annoying aspects of the mode. First and foremost, I hope the lowest table has no entry fee. It can pay out pretty low, but we shouldn't have the same fiasco again where people played once and had to wait hours to play again. That mistake really hurt the perception of this mode.
In addition to the obvious lessons that should be learned from last time, I think the mode—unlike High Voltage—doesn’t feel nearly different enough from a normal Snap game and certainly didn't develop its own distinct metagame. I think the best way to give this mode its own identity would be to take the auto Snaps out and put them into the hands of the players. The auto Snaps almost felt like something happening in the background. Instead, give each player up to three Snaps (or even more). Decks with better Snap equity and players with better Snapping skills would rise to the top, allowing it to develop a feeling distinct from just another ladder game. High Voltage went full casual, let the Diner lean fully into the Snap mechanic.
3) What are your top 5 High Voltage cards?
So far, there are certain cards that stand out in the new mode. In my opinion, the most interesting aspect of High Voltage has been how the dynamic of some cards is totally transformed. Here are my top five favorite High Voltage cards (my honorable mentions are Mirage, Zemo, Leader, and Gwenpool).
The format king. Since there are only three turns you can always play him for the best stat/power ratio available without restriction. The great thing about Maw is that he can fit in basically any High Voltage deck since you can pretty much always afford him.
Before the mode began I actually didn't have high hopes for Wiccan in this game mode. But after playing a bunch of games with him, he's become almost a default inclusion for me! Getting a Sera out turn one, or an Onslaught out on turn 2 occasionally has also been fun, but it's far more likely to be able to slam a turn one Wiccan and easier than anticipated to build in a way to make him reliable on the second turn as well.
Obviously Odin, Wong, and Grandmaster are going bonkers in High Voltage, but Absorbing Man is the combo card that I think has the highest delta between his normal utility and his utility in High Voltage. He's so easy to play and feels inexpensive, unlike on ladder.
There are a lot of people playing Black Panther into Arnim Zola, but he has so many other uses. You can slam the door by Zola-ing Alioth. You can just get value in two lanes. I had an opponent the other day Zola his Magneto and then Grandmaster the Zola to spread disruptive Magnetos all around the board.
Negasonic Teenage Warhead is a favorite of mine already, but she's stronger in High Voltage. She makes a reasonable turn 1 play and, as long as you build in a way to fight for priority, can slam the door on turn 3.
4) Q: I was wondering if Ego is on the banned location list for high voltage... If he's not, why?
A: No. The criteria for the banned list was locations whose functionality didn't exist (Asgard, Limbo) or would be uniquely warped by the rules of the mode. Ego is neither, though Ego will remain very rare.
Author's note:
I think the team did a good job of banning what needed to be banned. I think it's good that Ego and Worldship aren't banned. They're rare enough that they feel eventful when they happen. Likewise I think they did a good job limiting the banned cards to three. There's been talk of Daredevil needing to be banned since he doesn't work, but I think it's unnecessary since he doesn't cause any confusion like Magik might. It was very wise to ban Black Widow and I'm glad they foresaw the problem she would be. As I argued above, Kang isn't problematic because of High Voltage, he just needs a total rework.
5) Q: How often are there going to be limited game modes eg. like once a season for a week a mode will be active or once every 3+ seasons etc.
A: It all depends on your feedback. Once a season sounds about right for now but it could totally change. Let us know what you think and want!
Author's note:
Once every season would be an improvement from where we are now, certainly. However, as I mentioned above, I think Second Dinner would be wise to have a more casual mode available as often as possible. Hopefully as they develop more limited time modes, we can increase to two per season.
That's it for this week! Let me know your thoughts on High Voltage below! Are you enjoying it? How are you approaching it?