Hello fellow Snappers!
Drewberry here once again to preview & theory-craft the upcoming card: LEGION
*** UPDATE!*** Glenn has confirmed that Turn 4 Storm into Turn 5 Legion will result in a completely flooded board! This is a new interaction with flooding locations and seems very powerful, certainly boosting Legions value for control archetypes!!
Legion looks like a lot of FUN. There are some cards in Snap that can single-handedly generate genuine laugh-out-loud moments.. and Legion looks to be one of those cards. That said, these cards tend to be less meta prevalent and fall in the 'meme' category. He might not be the answer to getting to infinite, but he undoubtedly will have the surprise factor going for him.
With the weakest new card release of the month comes some of the most meta-defining series 4/5 cards. Here are the Spotlight Cache Rewards this Week!
Week of 7/25 - Spotlights
A few things to clear up about the mechanics of Legion:
- Timed Triggers will not reactivate.
- Changes to Locations activate from Left to Right.
- If moved by Aero or Juggernaut, Legion will activate at the new location In which he reveals, not where he is originally played.
I see Legions greatest strength coming when certain locations are hot/featured. Bringing a deck with a hyperfocus on the featured location will greatly benefit from changing all locations to the one synergistic location. A few examples are Mojoworld, Onslaughts Citadel, Elysium.
The downside is that Legions effect is reciprocal. It will be a tempo loss by playing legion while your opponent sets up for their big turn 6, and if their deck benefits from the location you’ve swapped, you’re essentially spending turn 5 helping them.
Here are some theory-crafted lists for Legion:
This deck takes advantage of Magik and neutralizes the board state. Sometimes Limbo is ruined by a turn 6 storm or scarlet witch, so if we legion on 5 we don’t have to worry about our turn 7 not happening. This deck has a lot of the mainstay control tools and with 7 energy on the limbo turn, we can play Shang-Chi & Killmonger or Juggernaut for a big swing.
This is a prime example of how Legion could be a strong addition to featured/hot locations. This deck takes advantage of Onslaughts Citadel by using a lot of Ongoing cards that can be scattered across the board knowing that The Citadel will land on each lane.
With the new info that Turn 4 Storm into Turn 5 Legion has been confirmed, this combo seems extremely strong! It creates a locked bordstate on turn 6 where only Jeff the baby land shark can save you, or M’baku if you didn’t draw him! With this list we aim to control the board, win a lane early and then lock up turn 6 for a quick couple of cubes. Be sure to snap before you play Legion!
Legion will be released as a SERIES 4 card (3000 tokens)! He will be available in spotlight caches from July 25-31, alongside High Evolutionary & Darkhawk.
In conclusion, I am confident that Legion will not be meta relevant. His reliance on finding the right locations is too inconsistent and being a turn 5 play is too slow for his wild effect. Sure there will be the epic Bar with No Name moment, but those games are few and far between and I believe he will be cut from a majority of competitive lists.
…if you do not own High Evolutionary or Darkhawk, this is quite the valuable week for spotlight caches, open responsibly! Also worth noting that Second Dinner has confirmed that the Random Series 4 / 5 duplicate protection variant will be replaced with 1000 tokens in the next patch in early August. So, it’s likely worth waiting!
Thanks for reading!