This is an actual real place!
This is not a drill! We find ourselves once again inside a real location that you can totally visit. It's located in Manhattan, New York. You can go in there, but please don’t make a fool of yourself by thinking that you’ll leave the church wearing a fancy black skin tight suit that has a mind of its own.
Why is this place so important that it has its own location in Snap? Well, it's the birthplace of Venom! Usually, churches are places made for union, but inside of this one, a very bitter divorce happened between our boy, Spider-Man, and the symbiote that would later be called Venom Symbiote.
It was a very emotional time for our alien parasyte, because it literally developed emotions and the breakup wasn’t handled very well. After their violent separation, the spurned Symbiote rebounded with Eddward Brock, who was a man with a very busy schedule that was equally divided between having a miserable time and hating Peter Parker. The perfect combination of individuals to truly loathe Spider-Man. Eddie and the Symbiote’s union was forevermore called Venom. And thus, a very iconic and memorable villain was born.
Back to Snap
It is my duty to inform you all that this Wednesday, the 30th, Our Lady of Saints is joining Snap and will be the next hot location. So get yourself ready by blasting Take me to church all day because it will be time to pray in about half of your games.
Now that you’re warned, let me show the location:
Whenever you fill up the location, a symbiote shows up and devours all the cards in the location; then, it gets the added power of all the cards it devoured (the cards aren’t destroyed; they just get merged together inside the symbiote). Wait… just Klyntar 2? You better bet that it is. Makes sense with all the alien goo around.
Although they are similar, there is a major difference between the two. You need to manually trigger Our Lady of Saints by filling up the location while Klyntar does its thing automatically on turn 4. So if you want to trigger our hot location, you better be mindful of having to fill up the location by any means.
You might be wondering why you would ever want to turn all your cards into a single big one without any effects. That's quite simple! To remove the bad text or to make more space on your side.
There are some cards that you never want to have on your side of the field. The most obvious example is Electro; if you can play him as your last card in the Hot Location, you’ll get his benefit without having to pay the electricity bill that restricts how many cards you can play in a single turn.
Another card that I always try to remove its effect is Ebony Maw. Unfortunately, it will be difficult to meet Our Lady of Saints trigger demand with Ebony Maw. Luckily, you can still move cards into his location with the help of Madame Web. If you have them both together, you can play Ebony Maw without worrying that much about his drawback because Madame Welp mostly fixes his restrictive nature.
We could also take advantage of Our Lady of Saints’ effect by turning a bunch of small cards into a single big card to discount Skaar. For every card with 10 or more Power on the field, Skaar gets a hefty discount. It goes without saying that if you manage to make a 10-powered symbiote, Skaar will be cheaper. Maybe consider Baron Zemo, Brood, or Mr. Sinister to help you fill the location out.
You could also take a different approach and try to force the symbiote to appear on your opponent’s side and get something important from them. The Scream package is perfect for that. By bullying your opponent’s cards to where you want, you can make them quite sad by forcing their ongoing cards to go towards Our Lady of Saints. Imagine how sad they would be if they lost an Iron Man or some big ongoing effect like that.
One more thing that I must mention: Shadow King will be the King of Kings during Our Lady of Saints Hot Location. The symbiote's base power is 0, so it doesn’t matter how strong your symbiote was; after meeting this fez-wearing demon, they’ll be as useless as a rock. So be careful about investing that much power into the merging of Our Lady of Saints.
That’s all the advice I have about the location. Let’s check some decks so I can send you on your way to victory.
Our Lady of Saints Decks
Miss Ery
This is an extremely fun deck that I couldn't recommend enough. I believe it will be better than ever when Our Lady of Saints shows up, it helps you get rid of your Electro and Hood in case Misery doesn’t show up. Remember to set up your cards depending on your gameplan. The extra Energy provided by Electro and Hope Summers is crucial for that last turn power bomb.
Hydra S.A.S.
It's a deck that fills your side of the board with weak cards like The Hood, The Void and Pixie. However, you have many ways to get rid of them. You can send them over with Annihilus, Evolve them with Sersi or even maneuver them around with Madame Web. It's a three headed deck that you will need to choose which head is going to guide the deck to victory from game to game.
Build 'em Tall
This deck has a crucial issue of filling its location too much. With Our Lady of Saints doing a junk sweep for you, you’re getting boardspace back and at the same time discounting Mockingbird and Skaar. In some games, consider Killmongering all of your one drops in order to get a Death on the cheap cheap.
Scream for Us
What can I say? It's a scream deck. Play your cards, move your opponent’s cards, steal their power and rearrange their plays into a losing position. This time around we have the added benefit of having Our Lady of Saints to sweep their important field effects into the jaws of a very hungry Symbiote.
Our Lady of Saints is an interesting location that I won’t mind finding here and there. If played well, you can maneuver way more power into it than other locations. It will be a rare location, so you don’t have to worry about it too much, but it will show up often enough. I think I like its addition since it brings something similar to Klyntar but with a new twist. What about you? Do you believe it's a good addition to the game?
I got some Mistery Variants and Premium Mistery Variants to give away! To be eligible, you must be a member of the Snap.Fan discord ( All you have to do is comment down below with your Discord name and create a brand new location that you would like to see added to the game that matches its flavor. I’ll pick the winners and send the codes through DM at the start of the next season on November 5th! Good luck, everyone!