Welcome back to Meta Monday! With Bruce Banner being mainly a bust there weren't a lot of meta changes over this last week. However, because people have had more time there has been a concentration of the main decks running around the ladder this past week. With that being said this will be a short one so let’s get to it.
Doom 2099
Doom 2099
Scream Doom 2099
Doom 2099.2
Doom 2099 is the premier midrange-type deck in the format with its variants making up around 15% of the meta game. The main card for this deck though is not always Doom 2099 but Legion. Location control is vastly underrated at the moment and with Magik being in 15% of decks being able to Legion scam Clog, Mill, Negative, and the other combo decks running around is one of the easiest ways to win cubes.
As the second most popular midrange type deck. Ajax plus Anti-Venom is doing well with combating Doom 2099 meta presence especially with US Agent. This deck has all the tools to win almost any matchup and the specific affliction plus tech combos it can employ with Red Guardian and Shadow King keep it flexible against combos as well.
Ajax Venom
Move Bounce
Again, not the easiest deck to play but by far the most powerful deck in the format being able to dish out the most power consistently while also having tools to move the power around to any lane that they want makes this deck tough to deal with. If you have all of the cards I'd highly suggest taking some time to learn how this deck works.
Agent Venom/Wiccan
AV Bounce
AV small
These are here the same as last week because they still pack the same punch. Again, with little to no change the same decks are still running around rampant as before.
That also means that Wiccan decks are still around although they are in the downtrend.
Wiccan 1
Wiccan 2
Wiccan 3
If you are pre-infinite, this is a deck that is a lot more popular than you might think. However, because it banks on Magik more often than players probably want it has the potential to lose a lot more to Legion. But, when not faced with a Legion and you can get Mister Negative off on turn 3 or 4 there is almost nothing else that stops the fun in the format.
Not a lot to say but Discard has been doing well because it has the stats to match Doom 2099 decks and works well into most meta games.
Meta Cards
Legion is in almost 15% to 20% of decks at the moment and with location control always being an underrated part of the game he runs away with a lot more cubes than people want. If you are a player who likes decks with Magik I’d suggest being wary of Legion in every game. Also, if you see Doom 2099, Legion is sure to follow.
As one of the most anticipated cards of the season, it’s no wonder he is as popular as he is. He also makes things simple and easy to gain cubes and play the game so he is overall a good choice for a lot of players. Either way, the most popular play line is either Zabu or Psylocke in Doom 2099 at the moment.
Red Guardian is currently the premier tech card of the format. In almost 30% of the decks running around he can combat almost anything and shut down most plans. My suggestion is if you have a card that is even remotely a Red Guardian target I’d put it next to something you don’t mind getting hit. Also, if you don’t have Red Guardian, he might be one of the best cards to get at the moment.
Meta Health
This meta is fine. It’s a little too doom-heavy but nothing so bad at the moment. There are a ton of viable strategies even if the majority of players are gravitating towards Doom at the moment. The deck isn’t exactly warping the format as much as it is just the popular option for now due to its newness and simple play patterns. But, even if you don’t want to play Doom 2099 there are so many viable decks that almost anything feels good to play. I’m hoping the meta shifts a little bit with the release of the new card tomorrow but we will see. What do you all think? Are you bored of this meta?