Waiting for the ball to drop? We’re ushering in the end of 2024, with all its ups and downs, and welcoming in a bouncing, baby New Year with SNAP’s first week in January! And so hopefully you’re scrolling this surrounded by loved ones, maybe with a glass of champagne or cider in hand— it’s going to be a cool one to.
Artists (in order): NetEase Games, Eduardo Mello/Ryan Kinnaird, Don Aguillo
Source: Spotlight Cache
Spotlights, of course— we’re seeing the dynamic duo Rocket and Groot enter the game, which means we’re seeing the RIVALS dynamic duo RIVALS Rocket and RIVALS Groot in the RIVALS spotlight variant. And that’s what it is! We’ve got both designs from the game across the road, and that means a stately Groot and maybe a slightly more punk-ish Rocket with his big ol’ tech gun. Fans of the forecast might recognize the refrain: it might not be the most different design from the base art (designed after the game already) but if you’re a big fan of RIVALS stylization, you might love the spotlight. In the same batch, of course, we’ve got two reprisals from Blob and Selene (they debuted in December a year ago, which is fun). Blob’s variant is a reference to his stint as the empowered Horseman of Bounty for Nate Grey (X-Man) (don’t ask, it’s too convoluted for this column), and it’s just about above average for a Mello/Kinnaird variant! I think it’s particularly dynamic, which I appreciate. And then Don Aguillo returns for a fun little shot at Selene, just generally raising superpower hands (not the most rare pose in the world) but with a fun expression and her classic daring vampiric fashion choices. Nothing mind-boggling across these three, overall, but respectable selections for any fans of them!
Negasonic Winter Vacay Bundle
Artists: Eduardo Mello/Ryan Kinnaird
Source: Bundle
The last Winter Vacation variant comes in a bundle, and it’s a cute little scowling Negasonic in classic X-Men yellow snow duds— it’s a fun, Grinchy, Christmas-Story-y little premise that’s simple but enjoyable, and even if I’m always a bit critical of the execution of some of these house style variants, it’s hard to be too mad at the festive Winter Vacation variants for helping put some lesser-drawn characters in the festive spotlight!
WMM’s Hela Debut
Artist: WMM
Source: General Pool (Rare)
If you remember from the patch round-up, I was unsure if WMM was a single artist or a studio— I’d found a single painter on Facebook that seemed extremely unlikely to be the same artist, and no easy to find game art studio to match. Well, update: still no clue! But they’re here, and they’re debuting with a Hela, which is a relatively popular character choice for commissions and a great pick for the Rivals season. I’m a sucker for a spectral ghostly green, and so any variant that incorporates that into Hela is a plus for me, and I do like her ‘Alas, poor Yorick’ing that skull— it’s not eye-poppingly dynamic (a bit stiff, even) but I think the flat colors and simplified style lend themselves nicely to each other. It’s a good start— be on the lookout for one more variant from WMM (whoever they might be!) in the new year.
Skottie Young’s Rocket and Groot
Artist: Skottie Young
Source: General Pool (Super Rare)
And speaking of new year, we’re kicking off this next one with what’s probably my top variant for the week— Skottie Young’s brilliantly stylish and moody Rocket and Groot. I wasn’t the biggest fan of the Rocket and Groot reprint when it was first datamined, and while I’ve slowly (and slightly) come around, the real silver lining was that we might see some older work from the comics of the iconic duo coming to the game. And boy, do we! Newer fans (or critics!) of Skottie Young’s Baby pieces might be surprised to see some of the non-Baby work in his catalogue. But Young’s got a long comics background, and a lot of his older work [like this piece for the collected hardcover for Annihilators (2010)] has a great darker, brooding sensibility without losing that fun, whimsical style and expressiveness he’s so good at. We’re getting classic Rocket and Groot too, with their OG Guardians uniforms, Groot’s original eerier, more treeish appearance, and Rocket’s red eyes, all in a great washed out, appropriately otherworldly palette. Look, I’m gushing— this variant is a home run, and for only 1200 gold I’d call it a steal.
Inkpulp’s Luke Cage
Artist: Inkpulp
Source: General Pool (Rare)
Inkpulp’s back with a classic Power Man outfit Luke Cage, and, nostalgic affection aside (and there is plenty), I also think this is probably my favorite piece from him to date, tied maybe with his Black Panther. Something about that trademark deep, almost fluorescent color palette and the hyper stylized linework really comes together, and I think the expression work being done on Luke here (alongside some terrific dynamism) really brings this piece to life. Inkpulp fans probably need no further convincing, but I really do think that even for anybody neutral or cautious, this piece really takes the cake as some of his best work.
David Nakayama’s Blink
Artist: David Nakayama
Source: General Pool (Super Rare)
There’s a great cover from David Nakayama next—from Exiles (2018) #9— featuring Blink blasting out on a magic carpet. The issue itself sets the multiverse-jumping Exiles in a 1001 Nights-inspired tale, for anyone curious: the whole issue is a lot of fun. And so’s this piece, doing the perhaps rare task for a comic cover of actually depicting events inside the book! It’s a bit infectious seeing some wonder on Blink’s face (with a l’il cameo from Wolvie on the tail there), and I think that while this isn’t necessarily the most technically impressive piece from Nakayama, it’s a bit of versatility that might surprise folks that are primarily familiar with his more traditional pin-up style covers. Fans of Blink are likely fans of the Exiles, which makes this piece quite a draw, by my estimate, but even fans that aren’t familiar might enjoy the Arabian Nights spin on SNAP’s pink portalmaker.
Kai Lun Qu’s Namora
Artist: Kai Lun Qu
Source: General Pool (Super Rare)
Kai Lun Qu’s relentlessly gorgeous painted style makes a return for Namora, this time taking inspiration from the film version we saw in Wakanda Forever. Like at least one other variant for Namora, this piece differs from the base Namora who hails from the Exiles season— for anyone interested, Namora in the Exiles is actually a gender-swapped variant of Namor, while Namora in the prime 616 universe is separate and Namor’s cousin. But whether you enjoy splitting hairs or not, it’s a treat to see Kai Lun Qu take a crack at those lionfish-esque flourishes from the MCU design, with both a rendering style and restrained composition that complements a live-action inspiration. Jason Kang did the Wakanda Forever style variants for Namor and Attuma, but collectors will be glad nonetheless to see Kai Lun Qu round out the crew, and fans of the film in general will probably be tempted to snap this piece up for 1200 gold.
Leirix Li’s She-Hulk
Artist: Leirix Li
Source: General Pool (Super Rare)
Finally, we’ve got another Leirix Li piece, this time tackling none other than the Jade Giantess herself. I was a bit critical of Leirix’s White Widow for being perhaps a bit gratuitous, but truthfully their style is mostly just not for me— this piece isn’t going to be different enough to change that, with its glossy rendering and more generic, stylized appeal, but I can appreciate the fun compositional element of having her literally breaking the fourth wall, adding a lot of the character’s personality both on the ‘meta-breaker’ axis and the ‘Hulk Smash!’ axis. One last Super Rare for the week, coming in at another 1200 gold! General shop buyers are eating good this week, which (hopefully) bodes well for the New Year!
Wrapping Up… And Getting Started?
Because what else can a new year signal? And really, Happy New Year’s everyone. Here’s hoping it’s going to be a great beginning to many, many things, least of all for SNAP, which has seen its fair share of ups and downs in 2024 but hopefully has lots to bring as 2025 roars to life. Thanks for reading these each week, folks— and don’t get too sentimental, because I’m just gonna be back again, bringing some more variant coverage to this corner of SNAP opinion writing! So go on! Let me know what you think of this week’s offerings— let me know what you thought of this year’s offerings! If you’ve got a favorite, or a least favorite, or just some feedback to leave me poring over as the ball drops, drop a line below. And, well… see you next year.
(I had to. I had to!)