Trying to find a deck where Wolverines unique properties actually have a big impact on winning games. This deck is trying to capitalize on the fact that when Wolverine is destroyed he stays on the board with any buffs he received intact. For that matter we're adding in Sabertooth because he may not stay on the board but he goes back to your hand at 0 cost. Finally, to truly capitalize on this aspect of both cards, we are focusing on eating them with Venom. Using Venom to Destroy Wolverine or Sabertooth (before turn 6 anyway) is a net power add to the board.
We use Absorbing Man to get a second Venom and the rest of the cards exist to buff Wolverine and Sabertooth so that eating them is more profitable or they provide additional Destruction payoffs. Taskmaster let's us copy out turn 5 Venom or Absorbing Man.
Imagine a decent play line going like this:
- Turn 1 - Nova
- Turn 2 - Wolverine
- Turn 3 - Sabertooth
- Turn 4 - Venom
- Turn 5 - Absorbing Man to eat Venom + Sabretooth
- Turn 6 - Taskmaster copies the 21 power Absorbing Man
Actually that kind of sucks. Deadpool is better than Wolverine at being eaten in almost every way. Check out this Deadpool playline
- Turn 1 - Deadpool
- Turn 2 - Beast
- Turn 3 - Deadpool + Hulkbuster
- Turn 4 - Deathlok
- Turn 5 - Bucky + Deadpool + Carnage
- Turn 6 - Deadpool + Taskmaster (40 total power)