Deck Idea : Thanos has 6 stones which 5 of them has On Reveal and 2 of them has Ongoing which is Power and Soul Stone. With Spectrum and Absorbing Man ,this deck is trying to use Thanos as both finisher and all-around toolkit.
Thanos is a 6/8 that could be a 6/18 if u have played all the 6 stones, BUT theres prolly a world when u dont draw him but instead got all the stone, or u draw him but not all the stone, so try to view him as 6/8 most of the time. Also, Power Stone is the card that give Thanos power, so Enchantress is real.
However, Thanos stone is interesting bcs he has almost everything in a weak body, stones can distrupt location, move card, get mana and more. So , his supporting card should try to take advantage of that aswell. Also card that summon more than 1 (White Tiger, etc) is not that good with Thanos bcs u will easily clog ur board.
Also remember the stone will distrupt ur board and aswell ur plays, for example on turn 2, in other deck usually just play 2 cost card but with stones, u wanna be able to play stones alongside something else or u either dont have enough power or the stones just gonna be there for no reason.
PSYLOCKE: Psylocke provide u and extra mana to chain ur play with a stone or just an extra mana alongside Time Stone and Absorbing Man. Psylocke pretty comfortable on curve.
CARNAGE: Carnage here is to clear space from the used On Reveal Stones or just some random location spawn like squirrel or rocks from Debrii. Can also eat Psylocke and a 2/4 Carnage is already good I think for this deck. Or just throw a 2/2 if theres nothing better to do bcs we have Valk .Carnage is not good on curve.
RHINO: Think about it, theres a lot of location that hates Thanos like Necrosha , Negative Zone, any location that spawns Storm flood and more. Why Rhino instead of Scarlet Witch? bcs Rhino guanratees the location is safe. Also ,Reality Stone can screw u right?. Rhino is good on curve but depends on the locations.
MAGIK: I think all Thanos deck should play Magik bcs it allows u to chain Thanos with a stone on turn 7 , give more chance to find stones and allow Spectrum on 6. And also another location distruption. Very good on curve
VALKYRIE: Valk is good (i think) in this deck bcs u can actually buff the stone and also debuff opponent card in that lane, also could be an alternate win condition paired with DevilDino (Dino should be big bcs he has ongoing effect) and Absorbing Man. And I think Valk just has a very strong On Reveal. Valk depend on the board state, so maybe good/bad on curve.
SPECTRUM: Spectrum roles here is similar to her role in Destroyer deck with synergy with Absorbing Man and some stones.
ABSORBING MAN: Absorbing Man is kinda part of the core of this deck, since he makes stuff more consistent and very versatile card over all. He also kinda help u a lot to find stones if u copy Mind Stone effect which draw 2 stones. Better to not be played on curve.
QUINJET: Quinjet makes stone free and help you to play both stone and the card u wanna play. Good on curve.
p/s: not sure if stones cost 0 in ur deck, if thats the case, u can incorporate Jane Foster in the mix replacing Valk prolly.
COLOSSUS: I think Colossus just really neat for Spectrum and a solid 2 cost Ongoing card. u can consider Goose but Goose kinda headbutts with half of the deck. Very good on curve.
LIZARD: Same case as Colossus, but Lizard can trick ur opponent with Space stone and Soul stone. Good on curve.
DEVIL DINO: Dino is spectacular with stones, bcs Stones replaces themselves and Dino should atleast be at 9 power and with Spectrum , he will benefit from that too. Pretty decent with Valk but careful, both of them is 5 cost, so might be overcommit sometimes.
MIND STONE: Mind Stone draws 2 stones which is amazing with Absorbing Man you can get 5/6 of the stones and the stones replaces themselves too which makes finding the final stone pretty achievable. Can be eaten with Carnage or buff with Valk.
POWER STONE: Power Stone give Thanos +10 power ONLY if u have played all 6 stones. So be careful of Enchantress. Do not eat this with Carnage. Also, its an ongoing effect so another Spectrum target. Power Stone is the only stone that doesnt replace itself and has 3power. Also the best stone to pair with Thanos on turn 7 with Limbo.
SOUL STONE: Soul Stone has both ongoing give enemy -1 at this location and on reveal draw a card. So really benefits Absorbing Man and Spectrum. And also Lizard and Valk is a good pair with Soul Stone.
TIME STONE: Time Stone is pretty decent bcs, it lets you to play stone plus something else. And just eat with carnage later. Maybe u could ramp a bit with Psylocke and Absorbing Man to cheat out Dino, Magik or Thanos earlier.
SPACE STONE: Space stone move ONLY 1 card. Space Stone is interesting bcs u can pair with Lizard to get that 5 power back or with Dino to evade Shangchi. Or even move useless body for Carnage to chew down. Could also be interesting with Valk.
REALITY STONE: Reality Stone change a location, basically a 1/1 Scarlet Witch. Its hard for me to find synergy but u can view Reality stone as utility card which is also a Carnage fodder. Also this is one stone that can backfire easily, so thats why I have Rhino in this deck..
p/s: there r obviously other cards u can incorporate but this is my version with Jane Foster as potential switch.