This deck only requires one series 3 card, Dracula.
Goal is to play out your hand and have only Infinaught left last turn for Dracula to discard and gain 20 power. Alternate wincon is standard skip turn 5, Sunspot gains 5 power, and play Infinaught turn 6.
Ideal play is Sunspot, Armor, Ant-Man, and Spider Woman in one location and the other with at least Dracula and Cosmo.
What to look for to Snap
By turn 3
1) Dracula and Infinaught in hand
2) We have been playing all of our cards out on curve.
3) No increases in cost or extra cards added to our hand.
4) Enough space to play 9 cards.
Retreat when
By turn 3
1) Turn 1 you have no 1-Cost cards to play and are not playing cards out on curve.
2) Locations/Cards add cards to hand or increase card costs.
3) You have 8 spaces to play cards and no Nightcrawler to move and free up a 9th space.
4) You don't have your alternate wincon Sunspot played by turn 4 and Infinaught in hand.
This decks main counters are Iceman, Maximus, Master Mold, and Crystal. It's most favorable match up is against destroy as we have Armor and Cosmo to shut them down early. Decks that can go incredibly tall like Hela and some Ongoing decks can be tough matchups. Apocalypse discard and Surfer are usually a 50/50.
Most cards in this deck can be replaced with other cards of the same cost or less. Okoye/Scorpion are your biggest flex spots. Either could be replaced with another 1-cost.
Your MVP cards are Sunspot, Nightcrawler, Dracula, Spider Woman, and Infinaught. Nightcrawlers purpose is to fill one location and then move to allow you to play Spider Woman on T6. This protects you against Debris, Goblins, and Junk. Cosmo serves a similar role for Dracula's location, but also helps prevent Lady Death Strike from destroying Dracula.
Lastly, as you aquire more series 3 cards you can add cards like Wasp, Yellow Jacket, Black Cat, and She Hulk to the deck to make it more consistent. Once some of these cards have been added it enables you to add Strong Guy to the deck as well.
Look for my deck Infinot!! for the upgrades to the deck. I recently took that deck to Infinite during the Avengers vs. X-men season.
Happy snapping!