This deck was born because I don't have Venom yet... It helped me make it to 90 this season. It's a fun deck where you play on almost every turn except turn 2. Also, it's possible to win without Silver Surfer showing up if everything else plays out well. (I.E., certain LOCATIONS).
ALWAYS play Bishop as early as possible, aka turn 3. Play either The Hood or Nova on turn 1 preferably The Hood.
Skip turn 2. Play Bishop turn 3 at a location by itself. Now this is where you try and make combos happen. Ideally turn 4 play the Hood or Nova first then play Sabretooth. Turn 5 Carnage Sabretooth's location and play out another 3 costs. Turn 6 play out Brood/3 cost, Sabretooth again, and Surfer.
Games rarely go like that... But when they do it feels good.
Only play Thor if you have Surfer in hand. Maximus is probably a better option here but... if Mjolnir shows up that's more power for Bishop and of course Thor.
Killmonger is a great alt to destroying Hood and Nova. or play out on turn 6 to surprise your opponent.
Mysterio gives 3 power to Bishop when played out. ALT Turn 5: Mysterio in Bishops Lane and Deathlok to destroy one of the Illusions + Sabretooth.
Deathlok: Use as an ALT to destroy Sabretooth
SABRETOOTH: Pretty much always plays out on turn 4, IF you have a way to destroy him on turn 5. Sometimes it'll be best to play Sabretooth on 5 paired with Carnage. The goal is to play Sabretooth as many times as possible. Most games will only be twice, but that's 2 power to Bishop. And allows for better placement on turn 6.
Rhino gets rid of unplayable locations.... we need space to play all of this out lol
I have a version of this deck with SERA, drop Mysterio for Sera. Doesn't seem to make a big difference though.
Magik is probably BEST, but I don't have her so it's just in theory. I'd imagine If you have MAGIK drop THOR or Maximus instead and keep Mysterio I think... IDK too much thinking...
AND REMEMBER Shang Chi doesn't Exist...