*Do not use any destroy cards after turn 3 , once turn 4 comes its already time for you to have a solid win factor in mind * DeathLock Venom Carnage Hood Yandu Do not play after turn 3 .
Turn 4 - Only Play Moon Girl ,- or anything els under 4 cost if you dont have moon girl
Turn 5 - Only Play Wave , Or Skip
Turn 6 - Burn the Board , try it and find out what i mean by that ;) enjoy have fun ,
* you can always replace quinjet for wasp for easy destroy befor turn 3 i personaly like wasp but using quinjet testing it out but it works great with the turn 6 dump .
some might say this is a weird setup why no killmonger or such things , but trust me try it out and see how great it performs if you , stable cards will be hood , moongirl, wave ,she hulk , death try to drop all destroying cards by turn 3 , turn 4 if you have demon and shehulk you moon girl , turn 5 you can normaly skip if you have 2 she hulks and they cost 1 each at turn 6 or you can play wave on turn 5 , get she hulk leader out , she hulk death , double she hulks , can do 2 she hulks and 2 deaths if you destroyed enough cards , moon girl on turn 4 , when you have she hulk and death , wave . then wave on turn 5 , both she hulks will be 2 life and the deaths should be atleast 0-2 if played correctly yondu is a great choice for turn one but quinjet does a great job wile using moongirl and she hulk if you skip turn 5 its a 0 cost she hulk . many win factors , you can always do plain leader in the end as well . again try it out see if it works for you , out of 700 games i got about 60% win rate as of now and ranked from 30-48 in 1 day ,,,,
the main goal of this deck is to unload everything on turn 6 overwelming the oppoenent and its hard to see it coming sence there are so many win factors so if you see you have a good combo snap.