Just a simple discard pile using mainly pool 1 & 2 cards. In pool 1 & 2, the primary payoff for the discard archetype is Apocalypse. In order to maximise the chance of discarding Apocalypse we will dump a lot of 1-drops on the field such that from turn 3 onwards we should be ready to start discarding Apocalypse / Swarm consistently.
A few notes on card choices:
- Chaves for consistency: Chaves increases the chance of drawing Apocalypse and Swarm early
- Swarm Tactic: Don't sleep on turn 6 dumping Apocalypse/Chaves with 2/3 0 cost swarms. Often catches people by surprise
- Okoye is more than just OK: works well with both Chaves and Swarm
- Dracula to round things off: Chaves increases the chance of drawing Apocalypse but that also means you often have 2 turn 6 plays. Dracula turns that disadvantage around and essentially allows you to play both Apocalypse and Chaves
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