Hit Infinite right away with this list.
Love this deck, multiple scaling options in Sunspot, Hit-Monkey, Bishop, Wolfsbane, and Darkhawk give this deck more power than meets the eye. Bast does a great job giving those scalers a head start early game too.
Discounted Darkhawk for 2 cost, Wolf for 2 cost, and ShangChi or Rockslide for 2 cost on the last turn of the game is nuts.
Bast gives great value to everyone except Rockslide, but he can still make up the -3 difference by adding +4 to Darkhawk on the off chance you play Bast with Rockslide in hand. Even Mysterio benefits from Bast, as the other 2 clones get +3, so he becomes a 2-3,3,3 essentially like a mini Dr Doom.
Hit-Monkey + Mysterio usually are a pair played together on turn 4 or later.
Bishop comes out as soon as possible typically.
Wolfsbane should always be played in a full lane to get its 3-7 or 3-9 if Bast boosted it.
Darkhawk can win a lane by itself sometimes
Shang Chi turn 6 plz, it will win you so many games
Sera is obviously always turn 5
(P.S. I added TLSG's youtube vid here as his deck is 80% the same list and he does a great job piloting it so you can see how the deck is played. I just prefer the value of Bast > Iceman and Wolf > Beast personally.)