The Game Plan
Phoenix Force is in full force, Magik was reduced to a 3 cost, and with those two powers combined I created a Fire Force!
The synergies here take a little bit of forethought, but essentially we want to boost our Nimrod to be destroyed so we can revive it with Phoenix Force or to destroy it and spread it across the board; sometimes both! In order to achieve this we have Shuri and Okoye to buff our cards, and Carnage, Venom, and Deathlok to enable our Nimrod and Knull.
Destroy, build, and destroy with Psylocke and Magik ensuring we can get our combos off as necessary!
The Decklist
- Psylocke allows us to do plays like Knull into Arnim Zola, or to enable some of the other combos listed here if we don't draw Zabu/Shuri,
- Carnage is a simple destroy card that enables our Nimrod, clears space, and can easily get to 8 power by getting rid of our less powerful cards.
- Okoye buffs key cards while they're still in our deck, and is a solid destroy option if Phoenix Force won't find Nimrod.
- Zabu makes our Shuri and Phoenix Force cheaper, and when paired with Magik, can result in an explosive turn 7.
- Magik creates the perfect opportunity to more reliably set up our combos while allowing both Arnim Zola and Knull to be played, which is incredibly good.
- Venom is similar to Carnage in that it's a simple destroy card that enables our Nimrod and clears space, but is arguably more valuable since it also makes for a good Arnim Zola target.
- Deathlok is a last resort if we don't draw into Carnage and need a destroy enabler. His 3/5 statline is mediocre, but acceptable.
- Shuri enables our Nimrod to get to 12 power but also allows for some cheeky plays by buffing cards like Venom or Deathlok to over 10+ power.
- Phoenix Force allows us to pull back some great targets like Nimrod and is an amazing target for Arnim Zola.
- Nimrod is a big star of the deck, and can pretty quickly fill the board with some smartly placed Venom/Carnage plays. He's also an amazing target for Arnim Zola.
- Arnim Zola's destruction fuels Knull, spreads power on the board, and doubles Nimrod's spreading potential. A necessity in this deck.
- Knull is a nice alternate play to swing a lane by a ton of power should our other big combos not pay off. Magik into Knull into Arnim Zola is simple, but extremely strong.
The Wrap-Up
This deck is incredibly strong and is in no doubt due to the changes to Nimrod, Magik, Venom, and the addition of Phoenix Force. I've had incredible success in this list, and I'll be excited to see where this archetype goes in the destroy season!