As a new player, the Bloodstone season was my official first season starting on week 1. I started the Loki season with about 8 days left and made it to the 50's on Ranked.
This was the deck I ended the Bloodstone season with. I went from rank 73 to Infinite with this list. It is close to Lamby's list minus Maria Hill as I didn't have her unlocked yet, so I replaced her with Agent 13.
Loads of fun with bouncing and the On Reveal effects to move WWBN saved me from Shang-Chi quite a lot.
The one card that singlehandedly won me more games than anything else is SnowHawk. I can't even begin to count how many times I shut off Limbo from an opponent's Magik on turn 6 when I'm already winning 2 locations or about to win a second location before SnowHawk comes down to end the game on turn 6 instead of 7.
This is for my records.