This deck is not easy but very fun to play.
You can get to Infinite with it, but you might struggle at first.
The general game plan is to understand your win condition and not rely only on Phoenix Force.
If you don't get Human Torch/Multiple Man and Phoenix Force combo, you can play around Shuri + Nimrod.
One of the combos you can use is to Iron Fist Shuri, then double's Nimrod power and Arnim Zola Nimrod at turn 6 so you get 24 power at every other location.
You can also stack Venom and then Arnim Zola it on turn 6.
Ghost-Spider and Iron Fist allow you to move Phoenix Force at turn 6 twice and surprise your opponent.
Cards you can cut if you don't like playing them:
- Iron Fist
- Aero
Global Stats
Collection Level