Deck Suggestions
Simple deck to pilot that relies on end-game burst. It has been quite reliable for me to play. Even though it's maybe not the most W ratio-heavy deck, the info it gives can tell you when to snap/when to retreat to save your cubes.
- Sit out turn 1 then play Domino turn 2 to establish a presence. The curve can be harsh if you've got no 3-4 drops, so I've tweaked the deck slightly to help.
- If they are playing a lot of 1 drops, time to punish with Killmonger. You can also Morph to mess with their head a bit more. Hulkbuster-Domino still gets stats
- Time to start dropping big stuff. Priority is typically to play Jubilee to an empty, middle location unless you don't have Spider Woman in your hand. If you have Klaw in hand, feel free to play into Right or Left, but remember that Klaw is a potential pull, so don't waste his buff. If you get that Jubilee - Odin play, enjoy another free card. Typically, I'll play Jubilee onto somewhere that only has 0-1 things already on it, just in case this happens.
Remember you rely mainly on Reveal effects, so try to not play into Cosmo - If you can't figure out your opponent's strategy, White Queen is super useful to get that turn 6 heads up to decide if you should bail at 1 cube or snap.
- For turn 5/6 consider your options:
a) Get that Hobgoblin down to deny your opponent a lane and make them go defensive. Follow up with Klaw to attack the right.mid lane while defending mid/left
b) Skip turn 5 and Infinaut for huge power. More likely you won't have the board presence to do that, but it can mess with your opponent something fierce
If you're competing on other lanes, sacrificing this lane to deliver a harsh blow with Klaw. Hobgoblin is just denial for the opponents turn 6 play.
Alternatively, if you want to overwhelm on this lane, Devil Dinosaur can be a meaty addition.
Applies to Sinister London as well, but you can play Jubilee there too.
Being able to play, then bounce back to hand can eke out some extra value from Jubilee. When Jubilee summons, the location will not bounce the summoned card, which is nice!
This also works for Danger Room & Death's Domain, too!
Ugh, now you have no idea what Jubilee will pull. Play until a snap then get out of there!
This applies to Weirdworld & The Triskelion as well
It's really rough to play around and you are then limited to two lanes only. Be careful of your Klaw placement!
Tasty doubling of a lane buff or just a massive Dinosaur? Yes, please.
You will never know a sweeter feeling than this location unveiling and you having Jubilee in hand.
A free Morph or a Devil Dinosaur with buffs is also never to be sniffed at.
This can also blow your anus out your face if you don't have any of these cards, so like... don't pray for it.